About Lesson
Warm Up
Match the cities (1–8) with the countries (a–h).
- …… Beijing
- …… Buenos Aires
- …… Los Angeles
- …… Amsterdam
- …… Mexico City
- …… Seoul
- …… Christchurch
- …… Moscow
- New Zealand
- The Netherlands
- Mexico
- Argentina
- The United States of America
- China g. Russia
- The Republic of Korea
Reading text: An airport departures board:
Time | Flight | Departure | Gate | Remarks |
10:45 | XZ 3265 | Chennai | 17 | Departed |
10:50 | SQ 0972 | Amsterdam | 23 | Departed |
11:00 | SQ 2509 | Mexico City | 19 | Departed |
11:05 | RT 9122 | Buenos Aires | 34 | Cancelled |
11:10 | XZ 6005 | Los Angeles | 05 | Final call |
11:20 | QE 0078 | Beijing | 33 | Final call |
11:25 | TY 2053 | Christchurch | 56 | Delayed |
11:25 | ER 7452 | Seoul | 25 | Boarding |
11:30 | XZ 0352 | Moscow | 12 | Boarding |
11:35 | XZ 0569 | Kuala Lumpur | 27 | Gate change |
Match the phrases with the sentences:
Final call Departed Delayed Boarding Cancelled Gate change
- The plane isn’t here now. ………………………………
- The plane is late. ………………………………
- The plane is not going to leave. ………………………………
- You can get on the plane now. ………………………………
- The plane is leaving very soon. ………………………………
- You need to go to a different place to get on the plane. ……………………………
Click on the link to do the exercise :
Read the short message that you might hear on the plane and complete the de?nitions below with the words in bold.
“Ladies and gentlemen we are ready for take o?. The ?ight will take about 3 hours and we will land at our destination at 6pm. If you need any help during this time please ask our cabin crew.”
- a journey by plane:
- come back to the ground after ?ying:
- people on a plane who help you:
- the place that you are going to:
- leave the ground and start to ?y:
Match the two halves of the sentences.
- The in-?ight entertainment today will be a. at all times on this ?ight.
- Please fasten your seat belt b. drinks and snacks.
- On this ?ight, we serve c. of 30,000 feet.
- Smoking is prohibited d. please fasten your seat belt.
- We are now at an altitude e. the new Ghostbusters movie.
- If there is turbulence f. when we switch on the sign.
Look at the boarding pass and answer the following questions down below :
- What is the passenger’s name ? ____________
- Where is he travelling from ? ______________
- Where is he going to ? ________________
- What terminal is he travelling from ? __________
- What airline he is travelling with ? ___________
- When is he travelling ? ________________
- When is the boarding time ?______________
- When is the plane taking off ? _________________
- When is it landing ? ___________
- What is his seat number ? ______________
- Is it an aisle or a window seat ? _____________
- Is he a frequent flyer ?________________
- What class is he travelling on ? _______________