The WeVersity credential certification master programs are designed to provide comprehensive knowledge of specific skills and practical training to those individuals who want to learn to earn. Having a credential certification in a particular skill like web development will not only prove competency and understanding of that skill but also demonstrates a person’s ability and competence to perform his or her job duties.
WeVersity offers a comprehensive credential certification master program that consists of multiple courses and skills to not only enhance your knowledge of a particular skill but also to make you successful both at professional and personal levels. All members of the WeVersity credential certification master programs are required to not only learn the skill in their respective fields but also learn other skills required to perform better in today’s job market.
All members are required to take a 12-week course along with their area of expertise. This web development master course is designed to address many of the digital life age skills that are mandatory for employees as well as employers. Our goal is to not only train you in your skills but to make you successful in your future jobs and projects. Web Development Master course will enlighten your digital age and professional skills in Graphic design, Development, and learning of programming language and give you the confidence to handle any work or personal challenges successfully. We will teach you not only technical skills but also many other skills that are mandatory for today’s workforce.
Individuals who want to start a career in web development
There are no specific prerequisites for this course, although some basic computer skills and familiarity with the Internet would be helpful. The course is designed to be accessible and easy to follow, with plenty of practical examples and hands-on exercises to help you build your skills and confidence in web development.
Web development professionals play a crucial role in designing, building, and maintaining websites and web applications. They are responsible for creating the code and infrastructure that allows websites to function and perform as intended.
Here are some of the key roles that a web development professional may play:.
A web developer is responsible for building websites and web applications using languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Is responsible for implementing the design using web development technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
The back-end developer is responsible for implementing the website's functionality and ensuring that it works smoothly.
Skilled in both front-end and back-end development. They can design, develop, and deploy a website from start to finish.
The project manager oversees the web development process and ensures that the project is delivered on time, within budget, and meets the client's requirements.
The QA tester is responsible for testing the website's functionality, performance,usability and ensure that the website works as intended.
Week |
Topic Name |
Topic Description |
Week 1 |
Introduction |
Introduction To the HTML, Setup Learning Environment |
Week 1 |
Types of Headings |
We will learn about the different types of headings. |
Week 1 |
Basic HTML Elements |
We will learn about the basic HTML elements in this lecture. |
Week 1 |
HTML Attributes |
We will cover HTML attributes in this lecture for example, href, src, style etc. |
Week 1 |
HTML Styles |
We will learn about style attributes in HTML. |
Week 2 |
HTML Formatting |
We will learn how to format a HTML element in different ways. |
Week 2 |
Quotation & Citation |
In this chapter we will go through the <blockquote>,<q>, <abbr>, <address>, <cite>, and <bdo> HTML elements. |
Week 2 |
HTML comments |
HTML comments are not displayed in the browser, but they can help document your HTML source code. |
Week 2 |
HTML Colors |
HTML colors are specified with predefined color names, or with RGB, HEX, HSL, RGBA, or HSLA values. |
Week 2 |
HTML Styles |
The HTML style attribute is used to add styles to an element, such as color, font, size, and more. |
Week |
Topic Name |
Topic Description |
Week 2 |
HTML Links |
Introduction To the HTML, Setup Learning Environment |
Week 2 |
HTML Images |
We will learn about the different types of headings. |
Week 3 |
HTML Favicon |
We will learn about the basic HTML elements in this lecture. |
Week 3 |
HTML Tables |
We will cover HTML attributes in this lecture for example, href, src, style etc. |
Week 3 |
HTML Lists |
We will learn about style attributes in HTML. |
Week 3 |
Block & Inline Elements |
We will learn how to format a HTML element in different ways. |
Week 3 |
HTML Class & Id Attributes |
In this chapter we will go through the <blockquote>,<q>, <abbr>, <address>, <cite>, and <bdo> HTML elements. |
Week 3 |
Iframe& JavaScript |
An HTML iframe is used to display a web page within a web page.JavaScript makes HTML pages more dynamic and interactive. |
Week 4 |
Layout & Techniques |
Websites often display content in multiple columns (like a magazine or a newspaper).There are four different techniques to create multicolumn layouts |
Week 4 |
HTML Forms |
An HTML form is used to collect user input. The user input is most often sent to a server for processing. |
Week 4 |
Form Attributes |
This chapter describes the different attributes for the HTML <form> element. |
Week 4 |
Form Elements |
This chapter describes all the different HTML form elements. |
Week 4 |
Input Types |
This chapter describes the different types for the HTML <input> element. |
Week 4 |
Input Attributes |
This chapter describes the different attributes for the HTML <input> element. |
Week |
Topic Name |
Topic Description |
Week 1 |
CSS introduction |
Introduction To the CSS, Setup Learning Environment |
Week 1 |
add CSS |
Different ways to add CSS of your webpage to styling your sheet. |
Week 1 |
CSS background |
CSS background properties are used to add background effects for elements. |
Week 1 |
CSS selectors |
CSS selector selects the HTML element(s) you want to style.
Week 1 |
CSS border |
CSS border properties allow you to specify the style, width, colors of an element’s border. |
Week 1 |
CSS outline |
An outline is a line drawn outside the element's border. |
Week 1 |
CSS padding |
Padding is used to create space around an element’s content, inside of any defined borders. |
Week 1 |
CSS Margins |
Margins are used to create space around elements, outside of any defined borders. |
Week 1 |
CSS height/width |
CSS height and width properties are you to set the height and width of an element. |
Week 1 |
CSS box model |
In CSS “box model” /is used to when talking about design and layout |
Week 1 |
CSS overflow |
CSS property controls that happen to content that is too big to fit into an area. |
Week 1 |
CSS border radius |
CSS border radius property is used to curve border for the specific shape of border. |
Week 1 |
CSS Box shadow |
CSS box shadow property is used to give shadow of your entire box. |
Week 1 |
CSS Float and clear |
CSS float property used to float element and clear property used to which side element cleared |
Week 2 |
CSS fonts |
We will discuss about different types of fonts. |
Week 2 |
Text alignment And direction |
Alignment is used to give alignment of your text and direction give direction if your text. |
Week 2 |
CSS text decoration |
CSS text decoration is used to give adoration of your line and paragraph. |
Week 2 |
CSS Text shadow |
CSS text shadow is used to give shadow of your text and paragraph. |
Week 2 |
CSS list |
CSS list is used to give circle marks to your text and paragraph. |
Week 2 |
CSS background image |
The background image property specific an image to use as the background of an element. |
Week 2 |
Background attachment property |
The specific property specifies whether the background image should scroll or be fixed (Will not scroll the rest of the page) |
Week 2 |
Background size property |
The size property is used to give size of your background that it will be fixed. |
Week 2 |
Background origin property |
Background origin property specifies the origin position the background origin positioning area of a background image. |
Week 2 |
CSS gradients |
CSS gradients let you display smooth transitions between two or more specified color. |
Week 2 |
CSS opacity And transparency |
The opacity property specifies the opacity/transparency of an element. |
Week 2 |
CSS display Property |
The display property is the most important CSS property for controlling layout. |
Week 2 |
CSS visibility property |
The visibility property specifies whether or not an element is visible. |
Week 3 |
CSS icons |
Icon can easily be added to your HTML page by using an icon library. |
Week 3 |
Bootstrap icon |
To use the bootstrap glypicans, add the following line inside <head/> section of your HTML page |
Week 3 |
Google icons |
Google icons give icons of our HTML page. |
Week 3 |
Position property |
Position property specifies the type of positioning method used for an element. |
Week 3 |
CSS z-index |
The z-index property specifies the stack order of an element. |
Week 3 |
CSS combinators |
A combinator is something that explains the relationship between the selectors. |
Week 3 |
Pseudo classes |
A pseudo-class is used to define a special state of an element. |
Week 3 |
Pseudo elements |
Pseudo element is used to style specified parts of an elements. |
Week 3 |
CSS image gallery |
Image gallery is used to create image in your web page it is also created by CSS. |
Week 4 |
CSS form |
CSS form id used to create form on HTML page the form consist of student form and ID form |
Week 4 |
CSS units |
CSS have several units for expressing a length. |
Week 4 |
CSS specificity |
If there are two or more CSS rules that point to the same element, the selector with the highest specificity value |
Week 4 |
Important rule |
Importance rule in CSS is use to give more importance to your text. |
Week 4 |
MATH functions |
Math function is used to allow mathematically expression to the used value. |
Week 4 |
CSS 2D Transform |
CSS 2D Transforms allow you to move, rotate, scale, and skew alements. |
Week |
Topic Name |
Topic Description |
Week 1 |
Introduction |
Introduction To JavaScript. |
Week 1 |
Where To |
How and where we can use JavaScript? |
Week 1 |
Out Put in JS |
Different Types of out puts in JavaScript. |
Week 1 |
Statements |
Introduction to JavaScript statements. |
Week 1 |
Syntax |
Introduction about syntax in JavaScript. |
Week 1 |
Comments |
We will learn about comments in JavaScript. |
Week 1 |
Variables |
What are variables? How we will choose the name of a variable? |
Week 1 |
Data Types |
We will learn more about different types of data type in JavaScript. |
Week 1 |
Let In Js |
Introduction about the let keyword in js. |
Week 1 |
Const in Js |
We will learn about const keyword in JavaScript. |
Week 1 |
Operators in Js |
We will learn about different types of operators in JavaScript. |
Week 1 |
Functions |
What are the functions & how we will write our first function in JavaScript? |
Week 1 |
Quiz 1 |
Get ready for your first JavaScript Quiz. |
Week 2 |
Objects |
We will learn about objects in JavaScript. |
Week 2 |
Events |
What are the events? How the events work? |
Week 2 |
String |
What are the strings in JavaScript & how many methods we can implement on strings? |
Week 2 |
Template Literals |
We will learn practically about template literals in JavaScript. |
Week 2 |
Numbers in Js |
How many types of operations can be done on numbers in JavaScript? |
Week 2 |
Number Methods |
There are different types of methods that we can easily implement on numbers using Js. |
Week 2 |
Arrays |
An array is a special variable, which can hold more than one value: |
Week 2 |
Array Methods |
The JavaScript method toString() converts an array to a string of (comma separated) array values. |
Week 2 |
Sorting Arrays |
The sort () methods sorts an array alphabetically. |
Week 2 |
Array Itteration |
For each method operate on every array time. |
Week 2 |
Array constant |
An array declared with const cannot be reassigned: |
Week 3 |
JS array method |
The JavaScript method tostring () converts an array to a string of (Comma separated) array values. |
Week 3 |
JS Date object |
JavaScript Date object is use to show date on your webpage. |
Week 3 |
Get Date method |
JavaScript date objects are created with new date. |
Week 3 |
JS Math object |
JavaScript math object allows you to perform mathematical task on number. |
Week 3 |
JS Random |
MATH. Random () returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive): |
Week 3 |
JS boleans |
The boleans value represent only two values true or false |
Week 3 |
Comparison And logical Operators |
Comparison and logical operators are used to test true or false |
Week 3 |
JS else, and else |
This is conditional option to perform different action based on different condition. |
Week 3 |
JS switch statement |
The switch statement is used to perform different actions based on different conditions. |
Week 4 |
JS set date method |
Set Date methods let you set date values (years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds) for a Date Object. |
Week 4 |
JS break and continue |
The break statement “jumps out” of loop. And continue statement “jumps over” on illetration of the loop |
Week 4 |
JS Type of |
Different types of type of to the operator. |
Week 4 |
JS type conversion |
JavaScript variables can be converted to a new variable and another data type: |
Week 4 |
JS errors |
When executing JavaScript code, different errors can occur. |
Week 4 |
JS arrow function |
Arrow function allow us to write shorter function syntax. |
Week |
Topic Name |
Topic Description |
Week 1 |
Introduction |
Introduction To WordPress. |
Week 1 |
Where To |
Introduction To Domain Name And Hosting, How To Buy A Domain Name? |
Week 1 |
installation |
Introduction & Installation of local host ( XAMPP SERVER ) |
Week 1 |
Statements |
Installation Of Wordpress On Domain As Well As Localhost. |
Week 1 |
What is hosting |
In hosting we save our data in hosting |
Week 1 |
Cheap domain names |
We can search a local name for our domain. |
Week 1 |
Control panel |
We can save a wordpress file in c panel. |
Week 2 |
Install wordpress |
We can install wordpress file in google and save in c panel. |
Week 2 |
How to login |
We search a localhost wordpress in google and signup. |
Week 2 |
Our first post |
We can create a page and post it. |
Week 2 |
Create first page |
We can go to the our page section and create a page and create some editing |
Week 2 |
Wordpress page |
Wordpress page is a web page that we can edit and and design. |
Week 2 |
How to install theme |
We can go to the theme section and install any theme that we can need |
Week 3 |
Install premium theme |
We can install theme in also google. and it is a premium theme that we can need. |
Week 3 |
Site responsive |
We can also responsive for our site and make a good website for client |
Week 3 |
plugins |
Plugin is a tool that help to editing on our web page. |
Week 3 |
Install plugin |
We can install plugins in our plugin section. |
Week 3 |
Recommended plugin |
There are many plugin that help to start editing in our webpage and design it. |
Week 3 |
How to add logo |
We can go to customize section and add a logo. |
Evaluation Breakdown |
Percentage |
Submission |
All submissions are compulsory |
50% |
Quiz |
All Quizzes are mandatory |
20% |
Final Exams |
Mandatory to pass final term exams |
20% |
Hands on + Labs |
Lab task is also compulsory |
10% |
Total= 100 |
Web development is the process of creating websites or web applications using coding languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Anyone can take a web development course, regardless of their previous coding experience. Many courses are designed for beginners, while others are more advanced and require some coding knowledge.
Learning web development can lead to a rewarding career in the tech industry, and provide you with the skills needed to build websites and web applications. Additionally, it can be a valuable skill for entrepreneurs, bloggers, and small business owners.
Topics covered in a web development course typically include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, responsive design, and various frameworks and content management systems like Bootstrap, WordPress, and others.
The length of a web development course is note more than 3 months.
Many web development courses require you to have a text editor, a web browser, and a stable internet connection. Some courses may require additional software or tools, depending on the course content.
Yes! Completing a web development course can prepare you for a career as a web developer, front-end developer.
Web development courses can range in price from free to several thousand dollars. Many reputable online learning platforms offer courses at an affordable price.
Both! There are self-paced web development courses that allow you to complete the course at your own pace, as well as instructor-led courses that follow a set schedule.
While it's possible to learn web development on your own through online resources, taking a structured course can provide you with a more comprehensive learning experience, as well as access to instructors and a supportive learning community.